How to Start Blogging in Pakistan?

How to start blogging in Pakistan

As the economy has grown, Pakistan has become more and more empty. There is nothing else for young people to do besides write. The Pakistani government can’t hire all of the college grads who leave every year. Our schools don’t teach us how to make money online, which is why many young people want to know How to start blogging in Pakistan? 

Young people in Pakistan who don’t know how to start blogging in Pakistan? are very worried about their careers. After reading this piece, you will no longer have to worry about this problem. In this post, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about blogs. Carefully read this post so that you can get started in the world of writing.

Buy a domain name and hosting

Hosting is as important for writing as four tyres are for a car, no matter if you blog in Pakistan or somewhere else in the world. Just like you can’t drive a car without tyres, you can’t run a website without a name and hosting. Here is How To Become A Successful Freelancer check it.

Where to Buy a Domain and Hosting

In Pakistan, domain and servers are easy to get if you have a credit card. But a lot of people don’t have credit cards, so they can’t buy things online. People like this should take over the name and host by giving their friends credit cards. If even your best friend doesn’t have a credit card, work with a trusted person in a Facebook group to buy a name and hosting at the best price.

If you can’t find a trustworthy dealer even on Facebook, you can also use cryptocurrency to buy a name and hosting. For this method to work, you must first do P2P crypto trade. By selling cryptocurrency, you can buy domains and hosting for your website.

Choosing a Niche

The first thing you need to do to be successful at writing is to choose a niche. From the Niche menu, you can choose where you want to go and in what direction. With this, you can focus on one thing and not get sidetracked, which is very important for your writing success. Blogs without a specific field are like travelers who don’t know where they’re going.

How to Choose a Niche?

 Now, the question is which topic should be chosen for blogging in Pakistan. So, brother, the answer is that someone who knows a lot about finance should choose a niche in finance, and someone who knows a lot about computer science should choose a niche in computer science.

If someone is interested in business, he or she can choose a business field in the same way. But I know there are still some of you who don’t understand how to choose a has written a full article called “ e-commerece business in Pakistanfor those people. After reading the article, you’ll also know how to choose your niche.

Writing posts for a blog

Content writing is just as important to a blog’s growth as breathing is to a person. At this point, many bloggers give up because they don’t feel like writing anymore. I think you should write at least 30 articles before getting a domain and hosting, so that you can keep writing regularly on your blog after you get a domain and hosting. Putting up new blog posts every day is like watering a plant every day.

Believe me, almost no one besides me will tell you this trick for writing material. God gives some people a sense of what makes good writing, so not everyone can do it. If you don’t have this skill, you can hire a well-known and skilled content writer from Pakistan or another country. You tell those content writers what your blog needs. Start your blog by making a long-term deal with someone to write pieces for it.

How do blogs get paid?

Everyone who starts a blog wants to make money. There are many ways for bloggers to make money these days. I’ll tell you about the well-known and proven ways to make money. Here is How To Sell On Etsy From Pakistan you can check it.

Google AdSense

Just as the first drop of rain brings hope that the ground will turn green, Google Adsense gave skilled people a new chance to make money. After making sure your blog is in line with Adsense’s rules, you apply to Adsense. Your blog will be accepted, and ads will begin to show up on it. In this way, your blog can make you a good amount of money every month.

Marketing for Affiliates

Affiliate marketing is without a question the second most popular way for bloggers to make money. Affiliate marketing is something that Amazon did a lot to bring to the world’s attention. In this, you put links to big companies’ goods on your blog. When people click on those links and buy a product, you get a certain percentage of the price of the product.

How much do Pakistani writers make?

People don’t respect you unless you have money. This is a hard truth of our time. The smartest person is the one with the most money. People with money are the only ones who have friends, family, and dreams for a good life.

You can’t get all of these things from a government job, but you can do anything you want with a blog. With writing, you can make as much money in a few months as a typical government worker makes in 10 years. You can make between $100 and $10,000 a month from writing.

Final Thoughts

Considering how Pakistan’s economy is right now, the sooner you start writing, the better for you it will be. If you do everything this article says, you can have a great job as a blogger while living in Pakistan. It is better to blog than to leave Pakistan and move to another country with your family in order to live a happy life. Now here is how to start ecommerce business in Pakistan you can visit and pick the idea for Ecommerce business in Pakistan.

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